Friday, 24 December 2010

Re-organising Blogs

I hope I'm not confusing anyone, but I re-arranged and re-organised my blogs. (It probably doesn't make a difference, I don't think anyone is reading these anyways.)

This blog ( is mostly for stuff relating to me and only me. In the future this site will probably contain stuff I have written or thoughts that I have.

If you're looking for posts about biking (or cycling), life in Taiwan, or things we have done or things about my family, then look at Bikes, Kids, and Temples (

For stuff about my children, look at Fruits from the Nanatree ( Anything relating to Wen BB or Wen CC will be located there.

And don't forget about my collection of Chuck's Cold Jokes ( and Letters to Leland (

Also, make sure to check out Nanatree ( if you did not come here via there.

I now have MacJournal set up on my Mac to be able to post to my blogs, so hopefully I will be able to blog more often. One of the hindrances before was the tediousness of having to go to the blog, log in, type the post out, format it, and then publish it. With MacJournal set up, the only thing I have to do now is type out the post. It's always hard to find the time to do that, but at least the tediousness of it is gone.

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