Back when we expecting Wen BB, I would often have a conversation with someone else that went exactly like this:
Me: “We’re going to have a baby!”
Other Person (OP): “Wow, boy or girl?”
Me: “Boy.”
OP: “Congratulations!”
That always struck me as being a little strange. Shouldn’t things be the other way around? Shouldn’t people say “Congratulations” and then ask if it’s a boy or a girl?
I haven’t had a similar conversation yet during this pregnancy, so I can’t tell you what has happened, but I have often wondered: What would have happened if I had answered “girl” instead of “boy”? Would the OP have said something like, “Ohh, I’m terribly sorry. Better luck next time!”
Me, I am very happy to have a girl. There’s nothing wrong with a boy, but I have always wanted to have a daughter. And, Wen BB is a boy, so I have already have a son. This way, I will have both a son and a daughter. Perfect. And, she will be my parents’ first granddaughter.
1 comment:
Congratulations... on all counts!
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