Sunday, 16 October 2011

Being Different

I’ve always felt that I was a little different from most people. By themselves those differences didn’t make me that unique, but when added together I do think they make me quite special. For example, I’m left handed, most people are right handed. I was goalie in hockey, most people choose not to play that position. I played soccer, most people in my home town played softball. I refereed minor hockey, most people choose not to subject themselves to such ridicule. I use a Mac (and Linux on my laptop), most people -- still -- use Windows. I left my home country to live and work, most people I know don’t move too far from their home town. And here’s the kicker: Most road cyclists use drop handlebars. In that, I am the same; there is no difference there. But some cyclists decide they don’t like or want drop handlebars for some reason and put flat bars on their road bikes. Me, I go the other way. I am attempting to put drop handlebars on my mountain bike. Let’s hope it works out. Stay tuned.

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